Bullet Resistant Glazing

If you are building a secure environment for a store, financial institution, school, or other building, you may be interested in implementing so-called “bullet proof” glass into your construction plan. While the term bullet proof glass is a misnomer (bullet resistant is more accurate), these glazing materials provide protection you can trust where you need it the most.  

Insulgard is here to help you select the materials you need to protect people and property, and provide you with the expertise that has made us an industry leader in the manufacturing and installation of bullet resistant glass and other security products. 

When your construction projects require trusted and tested protection from ballistic threats, Insulgard is here to meet your needs. 

Why No Glass Is Truly “Bullet Proof” 

No matter how well-designed a pane of glass is, or how high its protection level, it will eventually give way to a persistent ballistic attack. This is why we don’t use the term “bullet-proof glass” when describing our line of secure glazing products. 

Bullet resistance, on the other hand, is real, measurable and guaranteed to provide protection against specific types of ballistic attacks. 

Insulgard’s bullet resistant glass is designed to meet the exacting standards of the Underwriter’s Laboratories (UL), a global leader in applied safety science. The UL 752 rating is the most widely respected standard of bullet resistant in the U.S.  

Our bullet resistant glass can stop repeated shots from weapons ranging from small handguns to high-powered rifles. The level of threat protection your products provide will depend upon the level of UL protection you require for your secure environment.  

Not only can our bullet resistant materials safeguard your staff and assets, they also serve as an effective theft deterrent. 

What Is Bullet-Resistant Glass Made Of? 

Most bullet-resistant glass products are made of polycarbonate, acrylic, or glass-clad polycarbonate. 

Insulgard’s BULLETBLOCK acrylic and polycarbonate products are ideal for indoor environments like banks, convenience stores, pawn shops and police stations. They are relatively lightweight and provide pristine visual clarity to facilitate seamless transactions. They are also easy to cut, rout and polish. 

If you are securing an outdoor environment, a glass-clad polycarbonate or all-glass product might be a more appropriate option, as these are more resistant against the elements and are easier to clean. 

Insulgard can address your unique security concerns to create a custom solution using bullet resistant, or “bullet proof” glass. We can design a system using material that meets your exact requirements for ballistic protection. With thousands of successful installations in banks, government institutions, retail stores, healthcare facilities, pharmacies and more, our team has the necessary expertise to create a secure and aesthetically pleasing bullet resistant solution for your protection. 

The Physics of Bullet-Resistant Glass 

A look into the physics of bullet resistant glass begins with the concept of energy absorption. A useful analogy is to think of catching a baseball. If you move the glove back as the ball arrives, the ball exerts much less force on your hand than if you held your gloved hand rigidly. When the glove gives, the ball’s energy is absorbed and dissipated—and your hand spared from the pain of a full-speed impact. 

Traditional glass does not give at all, which is one reason bullets easily pass through and shatter it. Glass is also brittle and weak, at least compared to bullet-resistant glazing. When a projectile strikes bullet resistant glass, its energy spreads out sideways through the multiple layers of materials the window or door is made from, absorbing the energy of the projectile and preventing it from penetrating the barrier. Bullet resistant glass and other Insulgard security products also prevent spalling, or the dangerous spreading of broken glass. 

Levels of Protection 

Our BULLETBLOCK products are designed to protect against a broad range of threats as defined by the UL 752 ballistic resistance standards set forth by the Underwriters Laboratories. 

  • Level 1 UL protection is designed to protect against up to three impacts from a 9mm copper jacket with a lead core.  
  • Level 2 is designed to protect against up to three impacts from a .357 magnum jacketed lead soft point.  
  • Level 4 is the first level of resistance from rifle attacks, protecting against up to three shots from a .30 caliber rifle lead core soft point.  
  • The highest rating, Level 8, protects against up to three 7.62 mm round impacts from an assault rifle. 

You can find more detailed information about all eight of the bullet resistance levels here. 

Assessing Threats: What Level of Protection Do You Need? 

Before building a structure with bullet resistant glass, you must first conduct an analysis of security threats. This analysis should take into account factors such as the location and function of the building, past criminal activity and emerging threats. 

For example, a convenience store owner may choose Level 1 threat protection for their cashier windows and transaction systems after determining the most likely threat is from smaller handguns. 

A military facility or government building, however, may face threats from more coordinated attacks by high-powered rifles, and choose Level 8 ballistic protection. 

Whatever type of structure you are building, the security experts at Insulgard can help you assess the threats you are likely to face, and select the products designed to provide the protection you need.  

A Wide Range of Applications 

Many different businesses and organizations can benefit from the security provided by bullet resistant glass. Some of the most common applications include: 

  • Banks: Our bullet resistant windows and counter line systems protect tellers and other employees at banks and other financial institutions, while allowing for natural voice transmission and pristine lines of sight. 
  • Retail stores: Convenience stores, pawn shops, jewelry stores, and other retail locations can also benefit from our bullet resistant windows, doors, and transaction systems, while enjoying the peace of mind that their employees and property are protected. 
  • Schools: Bullet resistant glass can be employed to secure entryways and other vulnerable points at high schools and other educational institutions. 
  • Police stations: Bullet resistant materials enhance the security of officers and administrative staff at police stations, providing a barrier against potential attacks and ensuring a safe environment for law enforcement operations. 

These are only a few of the types of buildings that can benefit from the trusted protection offered by UL-rated bullet resistant glass. Because of the versatile nature of Insulgard’s BULLETBLOCK products, they can be employed in numerous indoor and outdoor environments. 

Enjoy the Advantages of Bullet Resistant Glass 

Some of the key reasons property owners and glazing professionals choose bullet resistant (bullet proof) glass are: 

Protection and Safety 

The difference between a bullet shattering and passing through a glass window and getting lodged in a bullet resistant window is truly a matter of life and death. Bullet resistant glass protects otherwise vulnerable employees on the secure side of the glass. The presence of bullet resistant glass can also slow down a criminal’s efforts, giving police and emergency responders more time to arrive and help. 


The glass, acrylic, and polycarbonate materials used in our BULLETBLOCK windows not only stop bullets, but they are also resistant to environmental factors such as UV radiation, weathering, and physical wear, ensuring long-term performance and reliability. 

Threat Deterrence 

One of the most important reasons for building with bullet resistant glass is that it sends a clear message to would-be criminals: Try something here and your criminal efforts will fail. 

A would-be criminal can tell the difference between a secure environment outfitted with bullet resistant glass and a vulnerable location with conventional windows or inferior products like “bullet resistant” glass film—which is not even truly bullet resistant. The visible and prominent presence of bullet resistant glass is a deterrent that can protect your people and property before a shot is even fired. 

Build With Confidence 

Is bullet resistant glass right for your building project? The security experts at Insulgard are here to help you better understand our products and select the materials that are right for your construction project. Contact us to discuss your security needs with a knowledgeable member of our team or request a quote today.